PYTHON — SQL Hand in Hand

Rishabh Choubey
4 min readJan 22, 2021

Everyone involved in the field of data must be well aware of the importance of Programming as well as the Query Language. Here in the article , I am about to guide you the use of MYSQL and Python together in order to be an efficient problem solver, because that’s what we do.


For Data Enthusiasts(beginners) , Learning Structured Query Language can be interesting as well as complex at times , but the interface of MYSQL to start with provides a great platform to implement the learnings.

Talking professionally , MYSQL is a fully managed database service to deploy cloud-native applications. Also , For the management of the databases MYSQL is quite handy and provides a robust environment . Major important features of SQL can be easily implemented through the queries used in MYSQL like maintaining the atomicity , consistency, isolation and dependency of the database . Be it, Organization or small businesses MYSQL can be used with absolutely zero cost with very less maintenance .


Python , as we all know is an interpreted , high-level and general-purpose programming language . It is widely used in the industry because Python is one of the easiest languages to code in , people who have worked in 2–3 languages would agree with me on this hands-down! 😜Also if you explore the inbuilt packages and libraries of Python you would find that there is no domain left untouched by Python and its community . Python usually has answers to all your questions ; you just need to be skilled enough to know its basics and how and what to implement from its packages to get your job done.



Suppose, you are working full stack for any organization or a small business and you need to maintain your database as well as the Modelling of the data all by yourself this is what you need . BE A whole TEAM all by yourself!😃

So , now how would it be to use both of them together ? 😮

In the industry , a good data scientist is one who can make an interesting and an easy to understand story around the data . So, basically connecting MYSQL with Python will give u a lot more options to work around with your data . Like managing the database using MYSQL ,which would be a tough task to do in Python . And Preprocessing , Cleaning, Model building using Python .


  1. Open your jupyter notebook , write the command pip install mysql-connector-python . Once you are done installing the package, you can proceed for next steps .
  2. import the package using the command :-

import mysql.connector as mysql

the above code will import the connector and establish a connection to your mysql server , from which you can access all the databases and tables and can move ahead with your task in hand .

3. Executing the Queries in MYSQL using Python :-

query=”create table mylearning(id int(2), topic varchar(50)”

The above code you write in your Python Notebook and you will get the changes reflected on your MYSQL server . This is a basic snippet on how you can access MYSQL from the use of Python Notebooks . Similarly , one can use it for carrying out various complex and tedious tasks.

ACCESSING A DATABASE from MYSQL and making it ready for preprocessing :-

You need not always get the data as a csv file in a ready documented format, sometimes for small businesses and startups it is required to maintain the database by yourself , there comes the actual need to maintain the data in your databases ensuring all the important features intact like consistency and dependency. Below is a code snippet where i have accessed a table from a database and converted it into python data frame using pandas.

The above snippet is of accessing data from MYSQL databases using Python .

Here is a snap of the same data along with the queries used in MYSQL

Thank You for reaching up to this point , I hope this insight would prove to be of huge importance , because a little extra knowledge never hurts!😜



Rishabh Choubey

An Engineer and a professional Cricketer turned towards Data Science. checkout some of my work at :-